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Image: Picture of a phone screen, with a bullet from a gun sticking through it. A literal screenshot.
Image of two tents across from each other, with a dog in each looking across from each other. The caption: "this is an in tents stare down"
Image: Picture of a Koala with the caption: "What do you mean I'm not a bear, I have all of the koalifications"
A picture of 4 figs captioned Fig. 1-4, with a title of "Figs: A Diagram" Source:
Picture of 2 peppers dressed up in winter attire. Captioned: "Chili Peppers". Source:
Laptop attempts to remove a hat, but states "I.. can't get... it off!"
An all in one machine sitting next to it replies "Dude, that's because your caps lock is on"
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