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My landlord constantly complains about feeling inadequate. It must be the complex he has.
Why did the cookie go to the doctor? Because it felt crummy.
How do you treat a sick alligator? By giving it gator-aid.
What rank do you give someone with a cold? Hanker Chief.
Making fun of the Corona virus is a sick joke.
With all the sales, the inventor of hand sanitizer must really be rubbing it in these days.
People who don't get flu shots make me sick.
The flu can be just as stressful as COVID-19. It's just a different kind of strain.
When you have a cold, getting the flu shot won't work compared to getting antibiotics. Guns aren't effective against the flu."
How do porcupines recover from the flu? NyQuill.
Why didn't the Pilgrims wear hats for Thanksgiving?
They had to loosen their buckles to make room for seconds!
Why didn't the Pilgrims wear hats for Thanksgiving? They had to loosen their buckles to make room for seconds!